Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dr. Drew Needs Advice

Dear Fellow Patients,
Today I write you with gratitude in my heart.  I am very thankful for my many patients who are loyal to my blog.  I feel a very close relationship with my patients, and therefore I have decided to come to yall for a question I have.
Before I ask this question I will tell the background to this question.  One day as I was sitting upon my throne I noticed some strange markings on my thigh.  I turned and looked at my other thigh and was surprised to found identical markings.  As I thought to myself, I pondered the reason for these strange markings.  Then all of a sudden I was taken back to a time where my mother was pregnant with the twins and the only show that she watched was a Baby Story.  I could remember the frightened faces of the women on that show, and how they were afraid to get stretch marks.  The room around me started to spin, I noticed these marks on my legs to be the dreaded marks of stretch.  I thought to myself, "How could this be."  I then said, "Well Dr. Drew you have gained forty pounds since high school, and have grown a couple of inches."  After the room stopped spinning, I finished my prior business upon the throne, and started to wonder.
Even though I am a Dr. of Advice, I am not trained in the area of Stretch Marks.  And since many or actuall all of my patients are women, I decided to ask yall for advice.
So Ladies I am in need of your help.  The question I have for yall is: How can I get rid of these Stretch Marks.  I would appreciate it if you could respond, and help me with this problem.
Well the Doctor is Out and hopefully the Advice will come in.
Dr. Drew

Monday, October 27, 2008

Prescription to feel older

Dear Fellow Patients,
In my last post I provided a prescription to feeling younger, but one of my faithful patients has pointed out to me that she feels plenty young being around children all day long.  So as the wonderful Doctor that I am, I have researched and found a prescription especially for her.  Well actually any one can use this prescription if they feel they are surrounded by little children all day.  This prescription is one that I have personally  tried, and it has proven to be a success in my life.
First I would like to tell my fellow patients how I stumbled upon this new and wonderful treatment.  As many of my patients know I attend BYU-Idaho.  While attending this wonderful, amazing, spectacular university I developed some back pain.  Yes, I know it is hard to believe that someone as amazingly fit, and handsome I might add, could have back pain at my young and buff age.  So after being forced to go to a Doctor by my big sister/mother figure LaNelle Sheridan Simons, I found this wonderful treatment in order to feel older.
I was referred to a spinal specialist after speaking with my Doc.  This is where the treatment began.  As my big sis/mother figure, who i will refer to as MAH which means Mother Away from Home, took me into the spinal specialist I thought I had walked into bingo night at the retirement home.  I was the Youngest patient there by probably 70 years.  As I hobbled over to the desk I had to make my way through an obstacle course of walkers, wheelchairs, and canes.  I do believe i was the only one besides my MAH with my real teeth.  I am sure that many of these patients were suffering back pains because of the hard trip across the plains to escape persecutions from the people in Missouri.
After being around this quite aged people and seeing that they have the same pains that I do, I no longer feel as young and buff as I used to feel.  It is quite amazing how this treatment has worked.  I am sure that anyone who is suffering from FLALPBYASBTAD disease, for those who are not medically trained as myself do not know what FLALPBYASBTAD means i will tell you.  It means Feeling Like A Little Person Because You Are Surrounded By Them All Day.  So anyone suffering from FLALPBYASBTAD disease please try this outstanding prescription.  
Over the past couple of months I have been to many Doctors for my back.  My back has not really gotten any better, but I do not feel like a child any longer.  This treatment is monumental.  
So my prescription today is: If you want to feel older 1. Hurt your back 2. Come with me to a Doctors appointment or 3. Go play bingo.
Well the Advice is in and the Doctor is out
Dr. Drew

Friday, October 24, 2008

Dr. Drew Goes to HIgh School Musical 3.

Dear Fellow Patients,
Today I was told to bring my two little lovely brother and sister to High School Musical 3.  This upset me because I was supposed to preform surgery on my brothers knee today, but instead mother insisted that i was not a real certified Doctor so I must take the twins to the movie instead.  So while my brother was in the care of a Doctor that I do not know, instead of in my trusty hands, I was eating popcorn and watching a musical.  To be fair it was a very well put together show.  Of course my favorite parts included Ashley Tisdale.  I do believe that I was the only Young Adult male in attendance.  The age groups in the theatre consisted of: A. Little Children, such as the twins. B. Middle Aged Women, who were with their children, and C.  Crazed High School Year old girls who skipped school to attend the event I might add.  After the movie there were lots of reactions from the crowd. I heard one woman say to her child, "That was amazing, spectacular."  I thought to myself,  "No Spectacular is when a movies theme is smothered in sports."  Some of my patients might be saying, "High School Musical has Basketball in it."  I do not call the thing they show in the movie as basketball... Never in a basketball game have I seen a player walking down the floor in the middle of the game singing and dancing and then getting the ball and shooting it...... I dont think so.  So the movie was good, a good movie but not spectacular by any means.  Ha ha I am totally joking.... i know by now some of my patients are red in the face and about to quickly respond to this post... but slow down lil friends of mine... I do enjoy music and I enjoyed watching my little brother and sister sing and dance to this movie... It was nice to see a movie with no bad parts.... So the prescription that I proscribe today is: Don't be afraid to be a little kid again.  Cause we all need to feel like a kid once in a while.. Well Advice is in and the Doctor is Out.
Dr. Drew

Monday, October 20, 2008

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph

Dear Fellow Patients,

Today lets talk about the evils of the internet.... there are many.  Today we will not be focusing on traditional evils such as nasty pictures.  Today we will be discussing the evils of Identity Left.  The above website has taken my face as beautiful and good looking as it is and has told me That i Andrew American white boy sheridan.... looks like an asian..... Now i love asians but i do not resemble their astounding looks. My best friends is asian and me and him look nothing alike.  As to the other pictures i can see some slight identity matches.  Zack Efron or however you spell it asked me not to put his face up because we look just alike.  So the prescription that i proscribe today is do not be fooled by the internet.  Well patients of mine, I love you and thank you for coming into the office today.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

DR. Drew goes to therapy.

Dear Patients
I have been unable to post everyday because I am now undergoing a new therapy called Spinal Decompression.  So I lay on this board and they hook me up to this machine and they yank on my back for 26 minutes.  Dont worry patients of mine your number one Doctor is totally ok.  I just wanted to let my faithful patients to know the reason i am not writing as much.  After each day of this barbarian type therapy I have to lay down and rest... hard life I know.  I am doing well though my readers and I can not wait to hear from you soon.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Pictures

Considering the Comments that i have received from my patients about my photo, I have decided to show some lets say good pictures.. i hope yall enjoy these.

My First Sin

The Baptism of the Twins yesterday made me think of my Baptism.  As I was pondering about my wonderful day of covenant making I remembered my very first sin.  As custom at Baptisms, food is served afterwords, because usually they are long and take 20 hours.  Anyways my Grandmother decided to make my favorite food ever. These items are so amazing.  My ham biscuits.  Well I was excited to eat after my baptism.  As I happily strolled down the hallway, trying not to run which is hard for me, I was imagining the taste of my biscuits.  As I got to the Kitchen there were no biscuits left.  I was quite unraveled at this.  This is where i committed my first sin.  I coveted those children who ate my biscuits.  I continued to say that those fatsos ate my biscuits at my baptism.  I have held this grudge for ever.  Every time i see ham and biscuits i get angry.  So the prescription that i am giving today is: Dont get Vivian Ard to make ham biscuits at your baptism. 

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My First Blog

Today My Cousin Beth told me I needed to start a Blog.  So I pondered this idea for a long while.  After eating and resting my mind, I decided to Blog my feelings.  It is very important for people to get their Daily Dose of Drew.  Without this  "Dose" people may feel sad, mad, not glad, or very uptight.  I am not yet a Doctor but i do have a mother that is a nurse, and my Grandmother works in a Doctors office, and my brother-in-law kyle is a medical dude.  Peter is a CNA and so it runs in my blood.  I would first like to say that you can not overdose on Drew.  My pictures will be stunning. My Contests will be amazing.  Jackie aka JW will be providing me with the contest ideas. and El Presidente will be "Running the Contests".  I hope that this little preview will get you ready to read.  I am very excited and can not wait to hear the responses of my eager readers. Please check this blog every hour for it may change and you may be left out of the loop. I am grateful for the opportunity i have to blog about my ideas, feelings, emotions, dislikes, and loves. I am willing to accept any responses to this post.  I will check frequently and respond back to your comments.  Thank you so much for you time, friendship, and love. 
Doctor Drew...... I Love YOU.