Friday, October 24, 2008

Dr. Drew Goes to HIgh School Musical 3.

Dear Fellow Patients,
Today I was told to bring my two little lovely brother and sister to High School Musical 3.  This upset me because I was supposed to preform surgery on my brothers knee today, but instead mother insisted that i was not a real certified Doctor so I must take the twins to the movie instead.  So while my brother was in the care of a Doctor that I do not know, instead of in my trusty hands, I was eating popcorn and watching a musical.  To be fair it was a very well put together show.  Of course my favorite parts included Ashley Tisdale.  I do believe that I was the only Young Adult male in attendance.  The age groups in the theatre consisted of: A. Little Children, such as the twins. B. Middle Aged Women, who were with their children, and C.  Crazed High School Year old girls who skipped school to attend the event I might add.  After the movie there were lots of reactions from the crowd. I heard one woman say to her child, "That was amazing, spectacular."  I thought to myself,  "No Spectacular is when a movies theme is smothered in sports."  Some of my patients might be saying, "High School Musical has Basketball in it."  I do not call the thing they show in the movie as basketball... Never in a basketball game have I seen a player walking down the floor in the middle of the game singing and dancing and then getting the ball and shooting it...... I dont think so.  So the movie was good, a good movie but not spectacular by any means.  Ha ha I am totally joking.... i know by now some of my patients are red in the face and about to quickly respond to this post... but slow down lil friends of mine... I do enjoy music and I enjoyed watching my little brother and sister sing and dance to this movie... It was nice to see a movie with no bad parts.... So the prescription that I proscribe today is: Don't be afraid to be a little kid again.  Cause we all need to feel like a kid once in a while.. Well Advice is in and the Doctor is Out.
Dr. Drew


Leigh This Way said...

Andrew, you are crazy but so right. I don't think I'll go see HSM 3 but I love watching some of the old Disney movies that I loved as a kid.

LaNelle said...

haha You crack me up...I was wondering how the trip to HSM3 went...I know Sarah Beth and Connor are thankful that mom made you take them. Oh...and did you know Ashley Tisdale is like my age? Always after the older women...that's my brother!

Anonymous said...

Andrew...i definitely saw that movie last night with my friends courtney, natalie, savannah and saylor. Saylor is a male and also said his favorite parts were ashley tisdale. lol

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I feel like I'm a kid WAY too much with talking 2 year old language and newborn ALL DAY LONG! Can't you prescribed something else?