Monday, October 20, 2008

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph

Dear Fellow Patients,

Today lets talk about the evils of the internet.... there are many.  Today we will not be focusing on traditional evils such as nasty pictures.  Today we will be discussing the evils of Identity Left.  The above website has taken my face as beautiful and good looking as it is and has told me That i Andrew American white boy sheridan.... looks like an asian..... Now i love asians but i do not resemble their astounding looks. My best friends is asian and me and him look nothing alike.  As to the other pictures i can see some slight identity matches.  Zack Efron or however you spell it asked me not to put his face up because we look just alike.  So the prescription that i proscribe today is do not be fooled by the internet.  Well patients of mine, I love you and thank you for coming into the office today.


Anonymous said...

thank you so much - that was the exact prescription i needed today - seeing as how mine said i looked mexican and like a man :o) much love to the dr.

Christi said...

I personally think Adam Brody is the closest match. Mine said I looked like 2 asian girls and 3 boys. Yay me.